I’m thrilled to unveil my brand-new author logo! This emblem represents more than just a symbol—it marks a fresh start in my writing career and my continued growth in perfecting the art I love so much.
From this day forward, any novel I write—or rewrite—will proudly feature this logo on its spine. It’s a stamp of my dedication to crafting stories that resonate, captivate, and linger with readers long after the final page.
Thank you for joining me on this journey and for your endless support.

Terrence Damon Spencer is a paranormal/psychological horror author born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and currently resides in Colorado. He has been writing for over 10 years, with plans to release many more books over the years.
Check out the About section to learn more about Terrence.

I had the honor to be one of the few to read the new version of Strong and I loved it. First, I reread the original which is a very good book, then I read the new version just to check the differences. I read it two more times after that because I liked it so much. Reading the original is like going for ice cream, it is an intriguing story but reading the rewrite is like going for your favorite Sundae with a cherry on top. It is more vivid and appealing. The added depth and context is making me anxious for the release of Stronger.
Lora Olson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

When I first read Strong, I was in love with the story. It’s definitely a page turner! Now that I’ve had the chance to read it with some changes and improvements It’s obvious that the author has grown in his writing skills. The improved novel is smooth in transition and Grammer. Everything you’re looking for in an easy exciting read!
Charity Zarate
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Terrence Damon Spencer has his novels featured on a local website in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Just visit http://www.milwaukeeauthors.com/.
Also, to learn more about the author, check out his interview with VoyagePhoenix Magazine. and Author Alyanna Poe.