My Underwood typewriter No5

My Underwood typewriter No5 is in mint condition, with all of it’s original working parts. I ran across this beautiful piece of machinery while shopping online locally.  Seller (Jamie Alvarez) says it belonged to her late Great Grandmother Bertha Cunningham. At the end of her employment, she boxed it up and stored it away in a box safely. Jamie advertised the typewriter is a 1960 model and was selling it for thirty dollars.  Although someone replied to her post and stated the 1922 Underwood typewriter No5 is going for around four hundred dollars online.  She simply said, “Well I guess they are getting a good deal then, huh?”  Needless to say, I jumped right on the opportunity, even leaving work early to retrieve this gem.

Terrence Damon Spencer Collections

Underwood Typewriter No5

It was much smaller than expected, but this 1922 Underwood typewriter No5 weighs a ton!  Immediately upon arriving home, I did my research on it.  I located the serial number and traced it back to when the model released.  Back in 1922 is the exact year it was placed on the shelf. It survived nearly one-hundred years and somehow found its way in my home with all of it’s original parts.

Rather than place it out on display, I wrapped it then properly placed it in a box to await the day that my son leaves the nest. I refuse to set it out on display with him here. I have already caught her play typing away on it. Although he is older now, he is still twelve years old, with a clumsy and destructive nature. I think not.

Below I’ve added a couple of ads for the 1922 Underwood typewriter No5 from when it was released.  Just for fun. I thought it was interesting to see the amount you would need to put down as a down payment.

Ad for Terrence Damon Spencer's Underwood Typewriter No5 Ad for Underwood Typewriter No5

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